Customer Testimonials


Alchemy Construction Inc.-Footprint Recycling
"We just recently finished a system utilizing a boiler for a completely different heat process," Bohner said. "Footprint Recycling in Arcata collects local grease from restaurants. Through a process utilizing heat, they produce bio-diesel, a local fuel used in diesel engines. To heat this raw material, they used boilers that fired on propane. To increase output, we discussed a larger boiler and a new fuel source, and they now run their entire operation off of vegetable fuel in an Inov8 boiler system."

-Stephen Bohner, President, Alchemy Construction Inc. Link to story > > >

   Flora Ridge Farm Mount Airy, NC
"I bought my Inov8 F240 waste oil heater about four years ago. I originally thought it would be a supplement source of heat for my hydroponic lettuce greenhouse. As it turns out over the past four years it has represented 75% of my heat! I still have a propane backup heater just in case and it gets used on really cold days, but those times when you need light or moderate heat the Inov8 machine handles the load! Grant it there are times when it breaks down but 9 times out of 10 it's something I overlooked. Even though the people at Inov8 send a manual which is most helpful sometimes you just need for someone to talk you through and their service techs are there for you. The best part is the savings. It's hard enough being a farmer and believe me I try to cut my expenses as much as possible. My current propane rates are about $2.25 a gallon. I ordinarily would use 3 to 4 thousand gallons a year. Do the math."

-Anthony & Joy Bono

   Southeast Industrial Services, Juneau, AK
"We completed the installation of our INOV8 furnace in February of 2007, and are utilizing (for fuel) primarily crankcase oil, hydraulic oils and some #2 diesel oil, etc. that is generated in our heavy truck and industrial equipment repair business. Our goals in using the waste oil burners were to concurrently reduce and/or eliminate heating oil expense, and to mitigate expense in the disposal of those items that were good candidates for use as fuel. This has, so far, proven to have been a good decision. I'm certain that, as our volume of waste oil production increases, we will look to outfit our other two buildings with INOV8 units."

(Note - In 2010 they purchased another model F240 furnace and in 2011 they purchased a model B325 waste oil boiler.) 

-Thanks, great product! Phil Rolfe

   La Crosse City Brewery
We purchased a new 220,000 BTU INOV8 Waste Oil Burner in the fall of 1993. The unit was complete with a 300-gallon waste oil holding tank with legs, a frame to support the unit eight feet above the tank. The unit itself came pre-wired with all controls and safeties. Installation was easy involving a vent for the oil tank, routing chimney to local codes and 110 volt to power supply.

The unit was installed in a new equipment building that had no other source of heat. This building is used to store bobcats, pickup trucks, plows, mark lifts, a portable welder, etc.

The furnace has now been operating totally trouble free, twenty-four (24) hours a day. Only routine maintenance oil filter, etc. has been required. The types of fuel used are all types of grade of engine drain oil, gear case oils, hydraulic oil and assorted lubricants.

-Joseph A. Weiss, Director Plant Engineering - La Crosse, Wisconsin

    Gamble Farms Junction City, Oregon
" I purchased seven Inov8 F240sc furnaces for the chicken ranch back in March in 2005. Each of the burners have a little over seven thousand hours of use on them, which equals approximately 108,000 gallons of waste oil. This past year I purchased 23,568 gallons of waste oil at $.95 a gallon. Compared to fuel oil, my savings for that purchase was more than $57,000.00. My furnaces have paid for themselves over eight times each.

Thanks in part to my Inov8 furnaces, I'm able to continue to farm 'the old fashioned way'. These furnaces help me to keep my prices competetive with some of the largest, most modern farms in the area."

-Bernie Gamble

    Chet's Car Care Center
"We have saved lots of money by using the INOV8 furnaces," said Chet Hermansen, owner and operator of Chet's Car Care Center and Pitstop Lube-N-Wash in Madison, Wisconsin.

"Two INOV8 boilers heat the car wash water, and the building with in-floor radiant heating," he said. "With a little maintenance, we heat our 70 x 150 foot building and keep our shops at a comfortable 70 degree temperature by using the free fuel from the oil changes."

Chet initially purchased their first INOV8 furnace in 1990 and since then has been exclusively using INOV8 equipment.

Chets Car Care Center is a family owned business. Chet says, " he is proud to be a part of the INOV8 family, as they have always taken good care of us and keep us warm!"

-Chet Hermansen, Owner - Madison, Wisconsin


Message to INOV8

Manuel Jorge called to "thank you for our waste oil boilers" as it has saved his business many times over.  He will be buying a new burner next year as new ones are more economical and user friendly.  He said he would be happy to give references.

Energy Wall & Building Systems

Manuel Jorge, Owner

15 Coronation Drive

Yellowknife, NT  X1A 2N5




Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2011 7:43 AM
Subject: Re: S700 OIL BURNERS

Hello Rebecca;

I talked by phone with Mr. Castellanos of "Incapisa".  He told me that the burners are working  perfectly, no smoke, no problems since he purchased them 3- 4- years ago and of course, that he has been able to save a lot of money in fuel expenses.  He has had problems with the waste oil, not with the burners, so he had to install a pre-filtering system which fixed the incovinience.  He does use them on a boiler.   It is a Shoe Factory where they process their own leather.  He has one working and the other one for back-up just in case. 
Thank you, I'll be in touch.


January 23, 2013 7:26 AM

Hi Rebecca,

I want to say, there's not a day that goes by that I don't thank God for my Inov8 F240 furnace. Day after day, it

performs flawlessly, no shutdowns, no bother, just lots of heat! Thank you for making my workday a pleasant

experience. It's minus 36 Celcius outside and my shop is a balmy 74 Farenheit. I am the envy of everyone that

enters my door. Without the savings from my F240, I could not stay in business. Thank you, Rebecca, and all the

team at Inov8!   Keep up the good work. Archie Dobbins

From: Parchert, Jim
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2010 12:08 PM

Subject: another heating season over.

Another heating season is now behind us and I just wanted to let you know that the boiler system worked without a single problem.  We have found that we need to have the boiler cleaned of ash twice a season.  During the last cleaning it was noted  that the door insulation needed to be patched as it had begun to break on the edges so I had that done but beyond that we had no additional repair costs beyond normal cleaning and service.  The switch to the dual fuel gas/oil burner made all the difference in the world as far as reliability is concerned. 

Jim Parchert

Corporate Facility and Environmental Manager

December 15, 2009

Hi Rebecca,

This is Mark Uher from the Ridgetown College.  Stu Porter had said that you had a couple of questions about the boiler fuel and approval.  The fuel that we are using is biodiesel that we have produced ourselves at the plant.  It seems to be working very well in our boiler (other than the start-up draft issues which we're working with a local HVAC group to remedy).

The approvals are going well.  We had a couple of people from the Ministry of Environment give us a temporary work order to use our boiler until our Certificate of Approval gets approved.  They saw no issues with using it and the dispersion modelling that we had done for it (as well as other reasons) showed that everything was just fine, which is what we expected.

So we are happy with the boiler as well as with Inov8 and really appreciate all your help.  If there is anything else please don't hesitate to get in touch. 

Thanks and have a great day,

Mark Uher

University of Ontario

Guelph, Ontario